Sara Jean

Sara Jean

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Dear FedEx Man...

To the FedEx man who kindly gave my Cricket a treat after she (ferociously) barked at him on the street.

She wanted me to tell you thanks and that she's sorry for her bad behavior. After she accepted her Milk Bone (which she never does, especially from strangers), she proudly carried that crumbly treat almost 20 city blocks. The only time she put it down was to do her business...because a lady never brings her food with her to poo.

We stopped at every one of her friends' houses so she could show it off. Sadly, only one was home - the cutie she has a crush on with the red bandana. She beamed with pride as she strutted up the steps to greet him at the gate, hips swaying back and forth the whole way. She dropped her prized treat at the base of the fence so he could smell it, grinning ear to ear. He gave her a look of approval and admiration and she proudly took the treat back between her teeth and ran back to me, waiting patiently for her on the sidewalk. I've never seen my girl overflow with such confidence. Such puppy swagger. And it's all because of you, FedEx man.

Upon arrival back home, she buried that soggy biscuit neatly in the couch cushions for safe keeping (kitty has been known for eating her biscuits in the past).

So again, thank you, FedEx man. Little did you know that your sweet gesture to silence my little gremlin would turn her whole day around. 

And her Momma's too. 


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