Paul Kelley

Paul Kelley

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Americans will use duct tape to try to fix just about anything

According to a new survey, 51 percent of Americans currently have duct tape holding something together in their house -- and 37 percent are using it to patch up something on or in their car.

The survey also found that the average American is using duct tape right now as a temporary fix for seven things in their home -- and admit that they will leave duct tape on that thing for eight full days before having it repaired the right way. 


1. Plumbing pipes      48%

2. Hose              47%

3. Vehicle            35%

4. Toilet              34%

5. Cut/wound         32%

6. Book              26%

7. Garden tools       22%

8. Laptop/computer    21%

9. Shower            20%

10. Bike             19%

10. Cell phone        19%

One respondent said they once used it to tape together their child’s diaper!

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