Tis that time of year that everyone seems to be either coughing up a storm or suffering from a sore throat. Some cough medicines work and tea with honey and lemon provide temporary relief but there might be something better - alcohol. Yes, alcohol to help get rid of your cough and sore throat according to Refinery29 .
Here is the best way to help get rid of that cough or sore throat with alcohol - no not a shot. It's called a hot toddy! " A classic hot toddy is a hot drink made with bourbon, honey, lemon juice, and hot water. Sometimes people mix up the recipe and make it with tea or a tea-like base, along with other spices, like cinnamon and cloves."
Warm drinks and soups help soothe the throat and this just takes it to the next level.
Fiji Water Girl Is Suing Fiji Water
By Jessica Goodman