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Campbell Faulkner is a 12-yer old with his own 501c3 charity, Campbells' Crew Cares! Campbell faces more medical challenges in a day than most of us will in a lifetime but he maintains an upbeat attitude and a generosity of spirit that should inspire us all. In fact, that's why he is the CIO "Chief Inspirational Officer" of Campbell's Crew Cares. On Dec 15 Campbell and 150 volunteers will gather at Walmart in tempe to "Clothe-A-Child" 150 times over. Each child will have a volunteer shopper helping them select clothing and a toy for Christmas. Children are nominated by teachers in 2 Tempe schools with significant populations struggling to make ends meet. Donations are needed to help them reach their goal and you can donate at www.campbellscrew.com/ You can also find them on Facebook. I spoke with Campbell and his mom Carrie for our Valley Views public affairs program and you can hear that interview right here, and I would love it if you shared it with family and friends.