Beth & Friends

Beth & Friends

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Beth's Holiday Cocktail Brought To You By AZ Milk Producers

Hello Friday funsters! Less than a week until Thanksgiving. Tonight's cocktail is a tribute to the cranberry. My daughter Bridget suggested this...the Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic. She inherited the gin gene from her grandmother Mama Jo! This is absolutely delicious. You can also substitute vodka. My thanks to the Arizona Milk Producers. Local families, local farms; delivering fresh milk daily from farm to store in 48 hours. Have a beautiful weekend. Thank you for being a friend. Love Beth


1 1/2 ounces gin

1 1/2 ounces cranberry juice

1 1/2 ounces orange juice

1 ounce simple syrup

Two sprigs fresh thyme

Tonic water

Combine ingredients in cocktail shaker. Muddle to infuse thyme. Add ice and shake until well-chilled. Pour into ice-filled glass and top with tonic. Slainte!

Check out the recipes for more yummy cocktails on the Arizona Milk Producers cocktail page!

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