Photo: EyeEm
For some people getting through a first date would be torture without at least one glass (if not more) of wine or beer, but a new report suggests a lot of singles are approaching dating, at least for this month, without any type of alcoholic beverage.
A new survey by finds:
- A large number of singles have been partaking in Sober October.
- In fact, 68% of those polled say they’ve gone sober this month in order to build more meaningful connections in their dating life.
- 78% are actually trying a Sober October for the first time.
- Of course a skipping he booze makes first dates at a bar a little boring, so what are singles doing instead?
- 43% say the prefer outdoor activities like hiking or walks in the park.
- 30% prefer a chill night in.
- 25% go to the movies or a museum.
- And singles have some pretty valid reasons for forgoing the alcohol on dates.
- 67% say alcohol caused them to misjudge the character of dates.
- 54% say excessive drinking resulted in them oversharing on dates.
- 32% say alcohol in the early stages of a new relationship lead to mostly less serious, short-term flings.
Source:WMBF News