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Seamus McCaffrey has been KEZ's Patron Saint of St Pat's for as long as anyone can remember! This year he gathered the crew (Brendan, Doug, and Kevin) and joined Beth & Friends for some St Patrick's Day cocktails and Barguments fun Friday morning. Brendan (Guinness) and Doug (Crescent Crown) teamed up for the PB Bomb! Just drop a shot of Skrewball Peanut Butter whiskey into a pint of Guinness and you've got the weekend started! Then make it a legendary weekend with an Irish Legend from Kevin ,,, 2oz Tullamore Dew XO Cask Irish whiskey, 3/4 oz Cointreau orange liqueur, 1 oz orange juice, 1/2 oz lemon juice, 1/2 oz cinnamon syrup, and top it with a lemon peel! And for a really great time head to Rosie McCaffrey's Irish Pub at 906 E Camelback in Phoenix for the 17th Annual St Patrick's Day Party at Rosie's featuring live music, Irish dancers, pipers, and more! Starting at noon a $10 cover charge will benefit the Fallen Heroes Wreath Program
If you missed the fun on-air, listen to the segments below! It will DEFINITELY get you in the mood for St Patty's Day!