1 box chocolate cake
1 box white cake
1 container vanilla butter cream icing
Red, green, blue, orange and purple food coloring
Step #1
Make a chocolate boxed cake, according to package instructions
Add equal parts of red, green and blue food coloring to make it black.
Step #2
Make a white boxed cake, according to packaged instructions.
Divide the batter into two bowls. Add orange coloring to one bowl.
Add purple coloring to the second bowl.
Step #3
Assemble: In a Bundt pan, pour half of the chocolate batter in the bottom. Add the orange layer. DO NOT STIR. Just pour it on the black cake batter.
Then pour the purple cake batter onto the orange batter. DO NOT STIR. Finish with the remainder of the black cake. DO NOT STIR.
Step #4
Bake and when cool, divide one container of vanilla butter cream icing into two bowls. Add orange food coloring to one. Add purple food coloring to the second. Drizzle alternately on top of the cake. Cut into it to see the spooky surprise!!
Watch the video below to see Jan's studio visit!
Nan says "Pic of the pumpkin bread kit I used. Got it at Target. It's awesome! Has EVERYTHING you need including can of pumpkin in it! About $5.00. That's a deal!" She also found the Limited Edition Apple Cider Buttercream Frosting at Target.
For more great ideas and Jan's One-Minute Kitchen https://jandatri.com/