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I loved this conversation with Dr. Mark Robinson. Dr. Robinson serves as the Principal Investigator for the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera. Recently I got the chance to pick his brain on topics like why we haven't been back to the moon, the Space Force, UFOs and space exploration.
Want to see photos of the moon? Check out this event:
Space takes center stage in downtown Phoenix now through Friday, August 16, at the iconic monOrchid, located at 214 E. Roosevelt St. The exhibit, “Barnstorming the Moon,” is being presented byThe Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera and Arizona State University’s (ASU) School of Earth and Space Exploration(SESE), in a partnership with True North Studio and monOrchid. The LROC is a system of three cameras mounted on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a NASA spacecraft that launched in June 2009. The exhibit will display images captured by the cameras of the surface of the Moon. Robinson is a faculty member at SESE and is the principal investigator of the LROC. This is a FREE event for all!
About the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera:
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, or LROC, is a system of three cameras mounted on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a NASA spacecraft that launched in June 2009. The cameras capture high resolution black and white images and moderate resolution multi-spectral images of the surface of the Moon. LROC's task is to help identify future human landing sites on the Moon, study the light conditions at polar-craters, and answer other lunar geology questions. The principal investigator of LROC is Dr. Mark Robinson of ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration.
Have a listen below!