OMG: Man Leaves Note And Beer After Break In

We've all done some regrettable things after a few too many drinks I'm sure, but Cliff from Nova Scotia may take the cake. After some heavy boozing, he tried to break into Caitlynne Hines' apartment. No, he wasn't some kind of drunken criminal. Instead, he thought Hines' house was where he friend was staying. 

"I'm the guy who was relentlessly (and very drunkenly) trying to get into your house last night," Cliff wrote in his note. "I sincerely apologize for waking you up and being so disorderly in the middle of the night." 

For what it's worth, Hines' forgives him. "It kind of clicked me immediately once I recognized the box, and I just said 'oh my god I think it's apology beer,'" she said. "And we laughed for a good while over the note that was tucked inside." 

Source: Metro

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