They say caged birds sing of freedom. Free birds fly.
How funny that these adorable little Rosy-Faced Lovebirds once only knew their cages in Arizona. But since escaping into the wild in the 80s, have surprisingly thrived in the Valley of the Sun.
What a metaphor for a life so many of us can relate to.
…Which may be why I was so intent on saving this feral parrot’s life. The little fledgling had been knocked out of a tree by a powerful sprinkler in the park. She was stunned and scared and cold as the sun had only begun to rise. And she was soaked as she was so young that her feathers had yet to develop the oils needed for water resistance.
For an hour I held her. Dried her. Caressed her. And spoke sweetly and calmly to her. And she trusted me. Responded to the love she was given.
When the sun finally became warm enough to fully dry her feathers she let out a single chirp to tell me she was ready to go home. Watching her fly away with what I would assume were her parents (who had been patiently watching in a nearby tree) was one of the most heartwarming and incredible moments I could’ve ever imagined. Me, the human. The species that once kept her kind in a cage now releasing her into freedom once again. Check out that before and after though!
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