Sara Jean

Sara Jean

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Local Spotlight: Flying Squirrel Spokane

Looking for something to do this winter that the whole family can enjoy? Then Flying Squirrel Spokane is a guaranteed WIN. 

The new trampoline park in the Spokane Valley has a little bit of something for everyone. Ninja obstacles, rock climbing walls, trampoline dunk stations, dodgeball, aerial silks, slack line and so, so SO much more! Within five minutes I was dripping sweat and laughing so hard my cheeks hurt. 

You even get some pretty rad flying squirrel socks ($3) to wear when checking in that will keep you from flying onto your face (trust me, you need them). 

Friday and Saturday nights feature a live DJ and blacklights too!

Oh and for the adults who truly have zero interest in jumping...massage chairs and Top Golf as well as a cafe. 

Check out the video below for a little highlight reel of my experience! 

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