Sara Jean

Sara Jean

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SJ's Weekend in Five Pictures

PHOTO ONE: Celebrating the Solstice

Fall officially fell upon the Inland Northwest on Saturday. To celebrate, the pup and I hit the Iller Creek Trail for a little one-on-one with Mother Nature. I spent the hike setting intentions for the new season and ridding myself of negative thoughts. Each collected in a fall leaf which we then dropped from the Rocks of Sharon lookout at the top, never to be thought of again.

Fall Colors at Iller Creek

PHOTO TWO: Small but Fierce

It always amazes me how this little pup can tackle her obstacles as if she's Goliath. As I watched her scale the Rocks of Sharon at the top of the Iller Creek Trail I couldn't help but be reminded that she's the perfect metaphor for this life. 

Cricket at the top of the Rocks of Sharon

PHOTO THREE: More Metaphors

I came upon this guy on Sunday while running through Riverside State Park. He didn't move. I almost stepped on him. I assumed he'd been hit by a mountain bike and put my face real close to see if he was alive. That's when he flickered his tongue. 

I spoke to him out of excitement, "Oh sweet boy you ARE okay! Let's get you off the trail so you don't get ran over...."


He coiled up on me and lifted his head looking as if he was ready to strike. Then he started to shake his tail - a tail lacking a rattle. This horrified bull snake saw me as a threat. He played dead and when I didn't continue along my way he got defensive. He made himself bigger. Then this defenseless big boy pretended to be his venomous cousin.

His bark was surely bigger than his bite. But it worked and I carefully eased around him and continued along my way, somewhat broken hearted that he didn't love me the way I was loving him. 

Bull Snake at Riverside State Park

PHOTO FOUR: You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To

Even if it's running ten miles with tight hammies, old hips and a short attention span. I'm three weeks out from my fifth half marathon. Which requires my Sundays be dedicated to a long run. I stopped more than I would like to know, horses, flowers, that magical water fountain that appeared at mile nine... and oh yeah, that giant bull snake...but actual run time was good. I'm not breaking any records but I got it done.

I Hate Running

PHOTO FIVE: Don't Forget to REST

I'm very guilty of forgetting that not every weekend needs to be jam-packed with adventure, errands and obligation. So on Sunday, I made sure to do just that. Hot shower, sweatpants, a bowl of my favorite marshmallow cereal, my pup and REST. 

Sunday Funday


What did YOU do this weekend?

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