Yesterday I did something I haven't done in ages! I had a much needed GIRLS' DAY OUT.
I tend to be a little reclusive. But as introverted as I get, nothing beats a good day with amazing women. I think sometimes we get so busy or so stuck in our daily routines that it becomes automatic to cancel plans or not even make them in the first place. Do yourself a favor and next time you get the invite (because admit it, even if we always say no we STILL ALWAYS want to be invited) - SAY YES.
Friends are good for the heart, soul and may ignite that little spark of young, carefree spirit you've been holding hostage.
Yesterday myself and three great friends started our day with mani/pedis - you know, typical girl stuff. I hadn't had a pedicure for three years! These runner's feet were in DESPERATE need. Somehow the conversation turned to nose piercing and by the time our nails were shiny and polished we had decided to make our next stop the body piercing shop!
Two of my girls had convinced themselves they were "too old" to get their noses pierced. I convinced them otherwise and after lots of squeals, laughs and tears they both look FANTASTIC with no regrets.
I went with a "daith" piercing. That part of your cartilage in your ear closest to your face. That makes 12 holes in my ears now. Sorry, Mom!
From there it was time for cocktails (mocktails in my case) and dinner and a warm chocolate chip cookie filled with melted chocolate over ice cream with hot fudge, caramel and whip cream for dessert. Because we also DESERVE a cheat day now and again!
The day was perfect with zero regrets and I am still beaming today with the memories and the laughter we created and shared yesterday.
So this is me telling you to step out of your comfort zone now and again. Your inner kiddo will thank you!
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