Sara Jean

Sara Jean

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A Christmas Wish Granted

Let me introduce you to Naomi Lee. She and her family have stumbled upon some hard times recently and she wrote in asking us to help grant her Christmas Wish. 


Christmas Wish Granted

"I will try to make this as short as I can. My husband at the age of 35 last year had a stroke. He was in the hospital for a few days.We have lots of hospital bills to pay and only my husband works right as I have been looking for a job but can't seem to find anyone who will hire me. We have 4 kids ages 15-9. With my husband's hospital bills and him only working we have not been able to do much for our kids for Christmas. I am not able to get my husband a single thing either. We just past a year from his stroke on Thanksgiving. My Christmas wish is really for my kids and Husband who works hard for his family to be able to have something very nice for Christmas. We have not had money all year to spend on our children for clothes, shoes or anything fun. I want to be able to take my kids shopping and just have a super special day as a family were my Husband and kids can get stuff that they really need but as of right now we can't afford because even though shoes and clothes are a need it falls under the not right now category. My family deserves to be pampered. My 10 year old is currently going through testing for Brain trauma and so that is hurting our family also. I know there are people out there who need this probably more than we do but I am desperately wanting to do a nice thing for my family. Thank you for the opportunity. God bless during this time of year."

~ Naomi Lee, Spokane Valley, WA

Granting Naomi's Christmas Wish
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