Sara Jean

Sara Jean

Want to know more about Sara Jean? Get her official bio and social pages here! Full Bio


TRUE LIFE: Behind the Scenes as a Rodeo Queen

I've always wondered what it was like to be a rodeo queen. I mean they look amazing, they get to spend time with beautiful horses, they wear the cutest clothes. But little did I know that the life of a rodeo queen goes SO MUCH deeper than that. And 2017 Miss Cheney Rodeo Kolby Smith was about to let me in on a few secrets (hello horse poo, sweat and ripped jeans). 

Did I have what it takes to be a queen? Check out the video to find out!

Check out Kolby and Cutie at the Cheney Rodeo this weekend! 

Get your tickets now at the Cheney Bi-Mart or HERE!

Ticket Prices

$14 ADVANCE available on-line (on-line sales close midnight July 7th)

$28 Sunday ADVANCE Family Fun Pack - 2 Adults and 2 children (4 to 12 years)

$18 AT GATE Friday & Sunday $20 AT GATE Saturday 

Children 4 to 12 years pay $7.00

Children 3 yrs and under are free.


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