Sara Jean

Sara Jean

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Dog Owners Beware: The Attack of the Black Flies

If you're a dog owner, you know how scary it is to find something wrong with your pup and have no idea what it is. After coming in from going potty two nights ago, Cricket developed three very ugly hickey-like marks. Two in her groin area and one on her neck. Of course a google search only resulted in me debating on a trip to the emergency vet, but before I pulled out my wallet I figured I'd take to Snapchat and see what everyone else thought. The consensus? Black fly bites. 

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I marked the spots with a marker before bed to make sure they didn't get worse overnight and by morning they were gone aside from the small bite mark where they originated. That is - until I brought her out to potty the next evening. This time they were much worse. Two more near the biggest one on her groin, another by her cast, one on her belly and another on her neck. 

She never seemed bothered by them, which is good, because apparently the more they scratch them, the more the flies become attracted to the area. 

Here's what the Washington Basset Rescue has to say about our little fly problem. 

PS - they like humans too.

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