Sara Jean

Sara Jean

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Confessions of a Puppy Mom: We Met A Celebrity

Remember the days of Tiger Beat and Bop magazines? Tearing out the photos of all the teen heartthrobs and pinning them to our walls? Well times have changed a bit. Instagram and FB have replaced our kiddo's monthly subscriptions and YouTube sensations can be watched on repeat. 

Well, my kiddo has fur. But she's no different than any teenage girl with a crush. A few weeks ago, while vacationing at The Vintages Trailer Resort in Dayton, Oregon, Cricket met her first celebrity. His name is Scout. And he's quite possible the most handsome golden retriever I've ever seen. But aside from his good looks, this pup is also a kind-hearted gentleman. Scout earned his celebrity after a video of him went've probably seen it. The pup playing with the door stop?

Since this too-cute-for-words video, Scout has gained notoriety for his hugs. Yep, Scout goes to different locations with a sign that says 'Free Hugs' and brings smiles to passerby's faces. The day we met him he didn't even have his sign...but he definitely brought a smile to my puppy's face.

Here we were, wandering past the vintage Airstreams and Shasta trailers of the resort when Cricket stopped dead in her tracks. Scout was just a few yards away looking quite dapper posing for photos in front of his trailer. Imagine a teenager seeing Justin Bieber in person for the first time...this was my dog's reaction to Scout. They locked eyes and the rest is history. What a sweet dog to allow my girl to smother him with smitten hugs and kisses. He has gained a groupie for life. 

Cricket now asks to see Scout's Instagram account each morning. I guess it could be worse. She could be in love with Doug the Pug

You should check out Scout's Instagram account too! It's full of smiles and happiness. Which is what Scout hopes is what your day is full of. Enjoy!

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