Marty Manning

Marty Manning

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Chinese Week Festival Feb 16-18 Banquet Feb 24

Chinese week

The free, three day Chinese Culture and Cuisine Festival will take place at the Margaret T.
Hance Park Fri - Sun Feb 16 - 18.  The 28th annual festival features live entertainment including
the lion and dragon dances, martial arts demonstrations, folk and traditional dancers, musical
performances. mahjong booth, Chinese costume photo booth with traditional Chinese costumes including for pets, a children's pavilion, the Chop Stick Pick Up Contest, and lots more including
delicious Chinese food and a beer garden.  There is also a 10-course Chinese Lunar New Year
Banquet Saturday Feb 24 at the Great Wall Restaurant.
More information about all the events at or call 480-650-2610

Here is my interview with Chinese Week President Elaine Wong

Elaine Wong

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