Marty Manning

Marty Manning

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Leukemia and Lymphoma Student of the Year & more


As the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Student of the Year competition gets underway I spoke with Arizona chapter Executive Director Jim Brewer about the student competition and other events, and also about some exciting progress being made on the pharmaceutical level!

Here's the interview .. 

Jim Brewer   Valley Views

Student of the Year is a 6 week campaign in which students participate in a fundraising competition
to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  The students raise money in honor of a local patient hero  ...  and for life-saving research and patient support.  Leukemia is the number one killer of children under the age of 20.  Last year the Student Candidates raised $71,681!  This is a powerful opportunity
to help other young people battling cancer!

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