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How Dating Has Changed For Parents Due To The Pandemic

Dating has certainly looked different over the past two years due to the pandemic, and that’s not only the case for singles. Parents still like to enjoy some together time away from their kids, and they’ve been forced to adapt as well.

A new Zulily survey finds:

  • 74% of parent say the pandemic has changed their dating life, including their dating preferences.
  • While dinner and a movie is still a popular date night for parents, 36% say they prefer to have those date nights in.
  • 44% of moms still prefer their dates to happen at night but men seem to be more open to morning dates (19%), compared to women (8%).
  • Coupled up parents are more likely to prefer to double date with other couples, as compared to single parents (30% vs. 13%).
  • 49% of parents say time with their S.O. is still date night even if their kids are with them. 
  • When it comes to planning date night, 48% of parents say the hardest part of planning is coordinating busy schedules.
  • 23% say the biggest challenge is deciding what to do.
  • This could be why 58% of parents would love to have someone lse plan their date night. 

And with the ultimate date night – Valentine’s Day – a little more than a month away:

  • 56% of parents will spend between $100 and $250 on Valentine’s Day, while single parents will stay under $100.
  • 35% would want that money to be spent on a thoughtful date night.
  • 25% would rather that money go to a physical gift.

Source:Business Insider

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