Photo: OJO Images RF
The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council and the North American Meat Institute have laid to rest any argument about whether a hot dog is really a sandwich and in short it is NOT! “As we’ve said time and time (and time) again…a hot dog is NOT a sandwich,” explains NHDSC honchoEric Mittenthal. “It is in a classification of its own that exceeds the sandwich category.” Americans have strong opinions about hot dogs and here are some of the findings:
- 90% believe hot dogs should be eaten by hand
- 57% agree with the NHDSC that a hot dog is NOT a sandwich
- 62% believe that hot dogs taste best at a baseball game
- 61% believe hot dogs taste best outside of the home
- 87% believe that hot dogs should be eaten off of paper plates using paper napkins
- 33% think tthat he hot dog capital of the U.S. is New York
This is obviously a passionate topic and hot dogs can be prepared in millions of different ways that satisfy a huge number of budgets, tastes, personal preferences and nutritional needs. And don’t feel guilty about eating a dog – they are actually part of a healthy diet with a standard beef hot dog containing 190 calories, 7 grams of protein and 20% of the daily amount of Vitamin B12.