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Ask any parent and they’ll tell you mommy shaming is real, and that’s especially true for new moms, who are cracking under the pressure of constant judgment.
A new survey finds:
- The typical parent says they get some sort of negative comment about their parenting four times a day.
- That’s over 43 million negative comments nationally.
- That number is double for same-sex parents, who say they are on the receiving end of eight judgments a day.
- So, what kind of negative comments are they dealing with?
- Well, 52% say they are the subject of negative comments behind their back.
- 41% are on the receiving end of stolen stares.
- 40% are on the receiving end of whispers about their parenting.
- 68% say they feel judged about what they buy for their children, while 64% feel judged about who they are as a person.
- And as you can imagine, all these negative comments do not make parents feel good. The top feelings they have from them include:
- Sadness (35%)
- Less Confident (35%)
- Anxious (31%)
- Self-conscious (30%)
- Angry (28%)
- Lonely (27%)
- Failure (27%)
- Unsociable (26%)
- Doubtful (25%)
- Embarrassed (25%)
Source:SWNS Digital