Monday morning everybody's favorite foodie Jan D'Atri joined us for a weird food
combos session! Do you have a strange food combo that ONLY YOU think is good?
Lots of folks do! And Jan brought in some doozies!
Here are some lists of wacky food combo ideas!
Weird Foods from:
Cheese and peanut butter
Milk and Cheetos
Salt, pepper and apple slices
Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches
Peanut Butter on a Burger
Peanut Butter and onion sandwich
Oreo's dipped in Orange Juice
Pickles and Oreo's
Bourbon and Pickle Juice- The “PickleBack”. (Shot of Bourbon and then shot of pickle juice.)
The Elvis—Peanut Butter, Bacon and Banana Sandwich
Doritos, Marshmallows and Nachos, microwaved
Watch what happens when Jan springs these on Beth and Vinnie!