While we’ve heard countless stories about people dealing with neighbors from hell, it turns out most people don’t really have issues with the people that live near them.
A new survey finds:
- 86% of Americans say they actually like their neighbors.
- Although men seem to be more friendly with their neighbors than women.
- 42% of men would describe themselves as “very friendly” with their neighbors, something only 32% of women say.
- 89% of people say there is at least something about their neighbors they like.
- Asked what people like most about their neighbors, top responses include:
- They are friendly
- They are respectful
- They are considerate
- They watch out for us
- They are trustful
- I can ask them for favors
- I can borrow from them
- They return things borrowed
- Our kids can play together
- Our pets can play together
But as you can imagine, not everyone loves their neighbors.
- In fact, 44% of people say there is at least something that bothers them about their neighbors.
- 10% of Americans say they actually moved because of bad neighbors, while 24% considered moving.
- Top reasons why folks dislike their neighbors include:
- They are noisy/loud
- They have unruly pets
- They are nosy and don't mind their business
- They don't respect boundaries
- Their house is unattractive/sloppy
- They abuse parking and park in spaces not theirs
- They make a mess
- They leave their children unsupervised
- They are suspected of criminal behavior
- They have loud sex
Source: Business Insider