Hidden Gems here in Arizona. 

Beth has been in Arizona since 1980 and she realized there are so many great spots in our state she has NEVER been. Her sister was in town last week and they headed to Paradise Valley and visited Cosanti, a cultural site on the Arizona Registry of Historic Places. Consanti is architecture built by pioneering architect Paolo Soleri.. At Cosanti, his former residence and design studio, and also is the place where the Cosanti Wind Bells are made. Beth says it's a must visit. 

Beth and her sister then headed to Chandler and spent hours shopping at The Religion Store. It’s a Non-Denominational Religious Goods Store in the heart of Downtown Chandler! And of course Beth went on a Catholic shopping spree. 

The sisters then rounded out their week with a visit to the Crayola Experience. Beth favorite part was the gift shop. SHOCKER! More shopping. She took home a full box of golden crayons. 

Do you have a place that took you forever to visit ?

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