The Comfort Foods That Got Each State Through 2020

We all have our go-to comfort foods when we want to eat our feelings and we did a lot of that last year. While 2020 was rough on just about everything, it was a great year if you were some food that’s deep-fried and offers little to no nutritional value. And according to some Google stats put together bye-conolight, it turns out there are some interesting trends from state to state.

  • Grilled cheese is America’s top comfort food overall and six states (California, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia) making it their favorite.
  • But hot on its buttery tail is fried chicken that had a total of four states (Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas) declaring it their fave.
  • Then locked in a tie for third place are chicken and waffles, chili, and pot roast who were all the most-searched comfort food in Arizona, North Carolina and Nevada.

There were also some pretty interesting comfort food choices in 2020. Like in Washington where Swedish pancakes were their go-to and in Montana who chose to eat a big bowl of tomato soup when they werefeeling naughty.Meanwhile, the cajun favorite jambalaya was actually the top-searched in Mississippi, and not Louisiana.Does this mean we have to move Mardi Gras to Jackson, Mississippi?

  • Check out comfort food got your state through 2020HERE.


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