Women Share The Biggest Dating Regrets From Their 20s

Dating is never easy, and for many people they have to go through a lot of potential matches to find the one, leading to some less than stellar experiences, and many, many dating regrets. Well, now some folks are sharing those regrets. 

Someone on Reddit asked women to share their biggest dating regrets from their 20s, and we bet a lot of gals out there can relate. 

Dating regrets include:

  • "Wasting too much time on the wrong men because I was scared of being 'left on the shelf.'"
  • "Dating people who were interested in me instead of pursuing people I was interested in."
  • "Letting myself be pressured into sex I didn’t want to have so I wouldn’t seem impolite or like I was just leading someone on."
  • “Giving f***boys my time and attention when they didn't reciprocate. With one of them, it was either see him when he was free or not see him at all. It took me two years to finally let him go!"
  • "Sacrificing time with my friends to spend time with significant others. The significant others are gone now, but my friends are still around. I could have made so many more memories with them!"
  • "Giving selfish partners too many chances, and not speaking up more about things that made me uncomfortable or angry."
  • "I regret that I cheated and hurt so many people. I'm deeply ashamed of how I've treated most of my exes."
  • "Continuing to see someone because they're nice, when the sexual chemistry is nonexistent."
  • "I regret the idea that I needed a partner at all. If it happens, cool. If not,also cool."
  • "Staying too long in that one wrong relationship when I knew it wasn’t made to last halfway through. What a bunch of wasted time."


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