Are We At Our Breaking Point?

After more than four weeks in lockdown due to the coronavirus, it’s completely understandable that some Americans may have had enough, and now a new survey reveals just how many of us have reached that point. 

According to the poll:

  • More than a quarter of Americans affected by stay-at-home orders say they’ve reached their breaking point.
  • 72% expect to reach it in five weeks, meaning early June, if the orders remain in effect.
  • 29% of women reached their breaking point last week, while 20% say the same.
  • Younger folks are more likely to be at the breaking point, with 35% of those aged 18 to 24 feeling that way, while only 22% of those over 45 saying the same.

Part of the reason folks are at their breaking point could be because they are “extremely worried” about certain activities, including:

  • Going on flights (69%)
  • Going to a bar/restaurant (62%)
  • Using a ride sharing service (58%) 


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