An easy way you can help Restaurant workers in need

Restaurant season in the Valley is normally between the months of January and May. A lot of restaurant workers use that time to make a majority of their money for the year and stash away to pay bills during the summer. Now during the quarantine that isn’t possible for many wait staff.

That reason is why a group of servers have put together an online database that allows people to donate directly to those who need it. The Google document lists the names, restaurant , venmo or paypal for the server. Money sent will go right into the pockets of people who need it now because they have lost their jobs or their finances have been dramatically changed. 

Maple and Ash server Mike Giardino joined Beth and Friends trying to promote this movement. Listen to Beth talk about Mike about how we all can help. 

Here is the link to find the list and donate.

Listen to the full conversation below.

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