How To Get The Most Out Of Your Weekend In Spite Of Coronavirus

When you’re looking at the same four walls all week, the days can begin to roll into one. But a weekend is still a weekend ― and there are ways to enjoy it even if you’re in self-isolation or practicing social distancing.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

  1. Clear away that work station: For many of us, our homes are now our workplaces. To help get you out of that headspace, first thing’s first: clear away anything that reminds you of work the moment you log off.
  2. Stay connected with loved ones: If you’ve been working from home all week, you’re probably used to chatting with colleagues via video calls. But now is the time to do it with friends and family ― and make it fun!
  3. Find a way to enjoy nature: Hearing from people around the world who are currently in lockdown is a reminder for us to enjoy the great outdoors while it’s still possible. Providing you don’t need to stay indoors for medical reasons, you can still get out and about while following the social distancing guidelines.
  4. Cook a delicious meal: Boredom can very easily slip into mindless grazing, but you can do better than munching cereal straight from the box. Take time to plan and really enjoy food this weekend.
  5. Indulge in entertainment: It’s been a draining week, so don’t put pressure on yourself to be productive this weekend. Instead, watch TV for pure escapism. To get away from screens entirely, close your eyes while listening to music or a podcast or snuggle down with a good book. You deserve it.

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