People being 'hangry' causes at least four arguments a week

According to a new survey of 2,000 Americans, hanger leads to an average of four arguments per week.

From waiting too long to eat to not eating enough — respondents even felt hanger strike because they didn't like what they were eating.

Sixty-five respondents said they often feel hangry when they try to eat healthy snacks.

The survey found the average person will make over 1,000 “snackrifices” a year – that’s at least three a day.

Nearly a quarter of respondents even listed making a snackrifice as one of the contributors to their hangriness.

Aside from hanger, respondents reported feeling annoyed and grumpy after making a snackrifice.


1. I wait too long to eat                                     49%

2. I don’t eat enough                                       45%

3. I don’t enjoy what I eat                                    41%

4. I’m watching what I eat                                   29%

5. I sacrificed something delicious for something healthy           23%

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