Warren Buffett says this is the key to living a happier life

In 1998, a student asked Warren Buffett, "What would you do to live a happier life if you could live over again?"

Buffett responded that, to be happy, you should work with people you like and do something you enjoy. If you don't enjoy someone, there's no amount of money that would make it worth working with them.

Buffett later added that you "move in the direction of the people that you associate with" — including someone you don't enjoy working with. Maintaining good relationships, and working with people you enjoy, can have real benefits.

Everyone's heard the famous adage that claims you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and further research has increasingly drawn connections between our relationships and our health. One Harvard study in particular even says that not having close friends is just as bad for your health as smoking.

Clearly, if you're still putting up with people you don't like just for a paycheck, it's time to make a change.

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