Should Red Wine be Chilled?

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Seems a lot of red wine lovers switch to drinking white or rosé in the summer months, and according to a new survey, one in three wine drinkers don’t even know you CAN drink red chilled. Wine experts say certain reds are actually better cold – especially in the summer months. But not everyone is on board. 36% of respondents said it was “completely wrong” to drink chilled red wine. Almost 50% have never even tried red wine chilled and 29% think it's against wine etiquette.

It’s not only acceptable but experts say it will enhance the fruity flavors.

The research of 1,000 wine lovers found 50% prefer red wine above any other.

But just 8% will drink red during the summer months – instead turning to white or rosé.

Popular opinion suggests red wine should always be served at room temperature but wine experts argue certain varieties such as Pinot Noir are BETTER cold - particularly during the summer months.
Thirty-six per cent of those polled will need some convincing however - as they think it’s ‘completely wrong’ to drink refrigerated red wine.

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