Mom says she was asked to leave Mills Mall store because of autistic child

A valley mom named Regina Mullins says on a Facebook post that she was told to leave a store in the Arizona Mills Mall store because her daughter was having an episode connected to her autism

This is from Regina Mullins post that went viral on Facebook.

That’s when this lady pictured(she refused to give me her name) yelled at us to get out & go away from a PUBLIC SPACE. I informed her that Darla is autistic and that meltdowns are common for people with ASD. She continued to tell us to leave and go away that we were ruining her business by my daughter crying near by.

It didn't stop their for Regina who wanted to speak to the owner of the store

After asking for her managers info continuously she told me she was the manager & that her husband(the owner) would be there shortly. I waited and while I was waiting she told me her husband was big and scary as in attempt to scare me away from waiting. I stood my ground & waited, 20 minutes later security comes and she runs to him trying to get us removed from said public place.

Regina's post has over 6,000 shares and the latest update is the employee of the store that asked her to leave has been asked not to return to the mall while there is an investigation.

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