What Parents Miss Most About Life Before Having Children

#8 says it all!

Check out the study here

7 in 10 parents say they underestimated the impact their first child would have on their lives, and feel they made many compromises along the way.

Two-thirds feel life was easier before kids, 71% still feel that they’re happier now and feel more fulfilled in their lives since having children.

9 out of 10 said having a child was the best thing they’d done in their lives. 

Here are the Top 10 Things Parents Miss Most About Their Pre-Children Days:

  1. Sleeping in on the weekends
  2. A clean and tidy house
  3. Watching television in complete peace
  4. Leaving the house at a moment’s notice, without having to worry about a babysitter
  5. Spending money guilt free
  6. Having a shower or bath without being disturbed
  7. Date nights
  8. Going to the toilet without being disturbed
  9. Vacations/holidays that didn’t hinge on school breaks/terms
  10. Getting a full night’s sleep 

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