Woman Furious After Finding Out Hubbys Ex Picked Baby Name

  • A woman took to Reddit to share that she recently found out that her hubby’s ex was the one who came up with the name they want to name their future baby
  • The woman says her hubby has a history of lying, so she snooped on his social media and discovered his ex had previously suggested the name if they ever had a baby
  • Folks on Reddit suggested the woman should be more concerned about her hubby’s lying, while some blamed her for snooping

It’s never easy coming up with the perfect baby name for your rugrat. Often times, parents will fret for months about what moniker to give their child, and the inspiration can come from anywhere. But one woman has been left heartbroken and furious after discovering where her hubby came up with the idea for the name they chose for their future child. 

In a now-deleted post on Reddit, a woman shared that her hubby has always had a bad habit of lying, noting, “He would lie to make situations better than they were, to not get in trouble, to not hurt my feelings, etc.” He had promised to stop doing it, but it seems she recently found out that hasn’t been the case, and she’s now left devastated. Why? The couple is now trying to have a kid, and she says two years ago he suggested the nameAddie Maefor a girl,which she loved.

But recently, the gal started feeling suspicious that her hubby was up to his old tricks, and even though she didn’t feel proud of it she snooped on her hubby’s social media account. While she didn’t see any recent conversations, she found an old one in which the ex suggested that if they ever got married and had a baby girl they should name it Addie Mae.

  • “He NEVER told me that his ex-girlfriend came up with the name, and that was what they were planning on naming their child," she writes, asking users whether she should now call him on it.
  • Well, it turns out folks on Reddit weren’t necessarily so angry about the name as much as they were about the hubby’s lying. “The real issue is that your husband compulsively lies to you. You can't trust him, even when he says he's stopped he hasn't,” one person writes. “It doesn't matter what he promises you, he'll instantly go back on his word if it means he gets what he wants.” Another added, “Aren't you ... concerned ... about having children with someone you know not to be trustworthy?"
  • Some even blamed the woman for spying on her hubby. "If you don't like the name anymore because of this, you need to figure out how to tell him you were snooping," one person notes. "If you don't tell him, then you're lying about his lie of omission and nothing is fixing anything."
  • In the end the woman admitted, “going through his stuff is wrong,” and suggested she would be pushing for therapy for both of them, sharing, “the lying and my snooping are not signs that we have our (expletive) together by any means."

Source:Café Mom

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