Being stuck in a super long line at the grocery store is no fun, but you know what’s worse? Having to stand there while your kid is having a major meltdown. Most parents have experienced this nightmare before and it’s not easy to deal with, but these coping strategies can help.
- Prevention, prevention, prevention- One of the best ways to deal with your kiddo throwing a fit in public is to prevent it from happening in the first place, so get strategic. Skip stores when possible and order online, or use features like Target’s Drive Up that lets you order on their app and they bring the stuff out to your car, so you don’t have to go inside. And when you do need to shop in a store with the little one, try not to do it when they’re ready for a nap or hangry.
- Eyes on the prize- Get your kids involved in your shopping trip by asking them to help you find a product or just to hold an item for you, so they feel like part of the process. And if you’re into bribery, offering a treat for the end of the trip gives them something to look forward to.
- It’s all in your head- When your kid does have a meltdown in a store, try to remember that no one’s as bothered by it as you. Other customers may be a little annoyed, but they’ve probably been there themselves before and get it. Try not to panic, since it won’t help and will only stress you out more. Take deep breaths and remember that it won’t last forever.
- Let it go- As adults, we dread the time we have to spend in the checkout line, so think how much worse it is for a child with a shorter attention span. We might feel like crying when it’s taking forever, but if they actually do, try to soothe them and make them comfy and remember it’s not their fault.
Source:Intellectual Takeout