How To Keep Your Online Purchases From Being Swiped Over The Holidays

  • According to a study conducted last year, nearly 26 million Americans reported packages stolen from their front stoop or porch
  • To keep yourself from being a victim, have packages delivered to your office, or ask a neighbor who is home whether they are willing to receive them
  • Also, require a signature on all deliveries, and set up home security systems that can deter thieves

Today is cyber Monday, which means a lot of folks will be spending money online, but not everyone who buys something today will necessarily get what they ordered. That’s because there are a lot of bad people out there who swipe packages left at front doors.

Just how bad does it get? Well, according to a study conducted last year, nearly 26 million Americans reported packages stolen from their front stoop or porch, and as you can imagine, those crimes tend to increase over the holidays. 

So, what can you do to keep your packages from being swiped? Well, there are several steps you can take, and most of them are pretty simple. They include:

  • As long as your boss is okay with it, have packages shipped to you at work so they aren’t left on your doorstep.
  • Find friends or neighbors who are home during the day and ask them if they can receive your packages.
  • Require that any package you send receive a signature so they are not left at the door.
  • Ask the people you are sending packages about the safest way to get things to them.
  • Use alternative pickup or delivery options, which can be found at shippers websites.
  • Get home security devices, which can be clearly seen to deter thieves.

Source: CBS News

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