9/11 day Meal Pack a huge success nationwide!

99.9 KEZ was proud to be a sponsor of the 9/11 Day of Service, participating in a nationwide effort to pack meals at food banks to commemorate the lives lost on 9/11.

Final Meal & Volunteer Counts

TOTAL VOLUNTEERS: 8,139 from over 140 nonprofit organizations, companies, schools and diverse faith-based groups.

TOTAL MEALS: 1,675,058  NYC Volunteer Total : 4,903  Final Meal Count: 852,120   Phoenix Volunteer Total: 1,028  Final Meal Count: 242,352  San Francisco Volunteer Total: 996  Final Meal Count: 279,000  
Los Angeles Volunteer Total: 1,446  Final Meal Count: 301,586

Update on Meals to Hurricane Florence Relief
Approximately 83,000 meals have been donated to the hurricane relief efforts in North Carolina. 

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